So tonight I, Alexis, will be writing the legendary MOHI blog!
Super excited! Let me know how I do!
This past week has been a pretty busy week, my parents surprised me in Tulsa Wednesday night, our church member, Sister Fyans’ funeral was on Friday, and I graduated Saturday morning!
Wednesday night, I was out with my host mom, Melissa, and my host sister Jillian. We got our nails done and went shopping for some different things,and while we were shopping, though Melissa is so much like a mother to me, I was missing my mom so much. I really wished she was there doing all these things with me, but she and my dad weren’t scheduled to get here until Friday, the 22nd. As we pulled up in the driveway to the house, I noticed a silver Honda with a Massachusetts license plate. My pulse started to quicken and I excitedly asked my Host Mom, “Are my parents here?!” She smiled wryly and responded “Oh, I think that’s the neighbor’s car.” Barely able to contain my excitement I rushed out of the car and ran into the house to discover my parents had arrived early! I quickly embraced my mother tightly not believing she was really there. After reuniting, my parents brought me up to date on everything that has been going on back home.
Recently I found out that a dear member from our church in Haiti, Sister Fyans, passed away due to a getting hit by a vehicle while crossing the street on her way to women’s ministry. Her funeral was this past Friday. Growing up I always adored Sister Fyans. She had such a passion for the Lord. I enjoyed watching her dance and sing every Sunday morning and Sunday night at service. She never missed a church service, and she was always one of the first people there. Although she was 94 years old, she was never weary and always full of energy. I will miss her dearly, but I know that she is in a better place and our Father is so pleased to have her with Him.
Sooooooo, I FINALLY graduated high school!
Saturday, May 23,2015 I officially graduated from Victory Christian School. This past year has been such an amazing year, I couldn’t have asked for a better senior year! It was such a growing experience for me, in areas I didn’t even know I needed to grow! Tulsa has captured my heart forever, and I will definitely return to visit. I am forever grateful to Dr Gary and Melissa Lee for taking me into their home and loving on me and supporting through school, relationships, and everyday life. I now begin a new chapter in my life and it’s scary, but I know that I have people that will always be there to help me keep moving forward.

Pastor Paul Daugherty, Pastor Ashley Daugherty, Pastor Sharon Daugherty, and Pastor John Daugherty, praying over Alexis
I would like to thank everyone for the donations in Brian Tangney’s memory. Brian came down to MOHI with the G3 team in January, 2015. He worked in the mobile clinic helping patients with respiratory issues. On Wednesday, May 20th, 2015, Brian was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was due to graduate the next day from Quinsigamond Community College. Though I did not know Brian personally, I can already tell the positive impact he had on people, especially my brother. He was such a dear friend to A.Jay and they had plans to hangout, when A.Jay found out that he had passed. His family and friends are in my prayers.
Here are some more pictures of this past week:
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported MOHI and our family these past fifteen years. Every donation, every team, and prayer, has been so helpful and we are forever grateful.