Graduation and Updates

After two weeks of almost no internet, I am praising God that I am back online.  I must say, I am thankful for the Blackberry and the internet service I get from Digicel on it.  Somehow, I managed to keep things going still.  If I haven’t responded to an email or FB message you sent me, please forward it again, as it’s been challenging to track whether I’ve answered everyone or not.  Thanks.

We had some great people come to Mission of Hope International last week.  We’d been anticipating their arrival.  Gloria Harvell, who serves as the clerk on MOHI’s Board of Directors, came to participate in our first graduating class of high school seniors.  Kelsi Anderholm and Lori Paajanen, granddaughter and niece of our dear friends, Lennie and Amy Engman, arrived for a two week stay.  Lennie and Amy opened their home to us when we went on the mission field.   Each time we went back to the US we would stay in their home and drive their car.  In many ways, Lennie and Amy are like grandparents to Alexis and A.Jay, which makes Kelsi and Lori like family, as well.

Gloria was so kind, as to bring caps and gowns for our very first high school graduating class.  She and Angela went shopping for gifts in the next city, Petit-Goâve.  Gloria spoke to the class about working hard to get to where you want to be and committing your ways to the Lord and letting Him direct your way.  She suggested that they decide what it is they like to do and then find a way to earn a living with it.  Angela shared some words of encouragement, as well, before singing “The Climb.”  The graduation was a wonderful event, full of great memories and encouragement to keep moving forward.

Kelsi and Lori are just the greatest helpers.  They’ve been assisting Angela in the clinic.  Kelsi’s specialty seems to be cleaning and bandaging wounds.  She helped to treat a little girl with a very badly burned arm and a man who’d been struck in the foot by a pick ax, among others.  Last Saturday she spent the day helping Marie Yves to do the grocery shopping at the open market (and cook, too!) while Gloria and Lori went to the “real” grocery store in Port-au-Prince.  They got to experience what it takes to “run to the store for a pound of butter.”  Eight hours later they came home with some groceries.

Our school kids are in exams right now and all classes will be completed by Thursday, with the exception of Philo.  Philo is the last year of high school, so these are the student who just graduated.  They will continue to attend classes until they go to National exams later next month.  Due to political problems in Grand-Goâve, the students missed about six weeks of school.  This national exam is critical for them to pass.  Those that want to go on to university must pass this exam in order to go.  That’s why the students have agreed to continue going to school during the summer.

There are three other classes going to national exams, 6th grade, 9th grade and Rheto (2nd to last year of school).  For the past 8 years MOHI has been sending students to national exams with exceptional results, very often seeing all the students pass.  Please pray for our students that they work hard, are at peace and for the Lord to bring all things to their remembrance.  Thank you.

We experienced two weeks of rain.  Now, for you folks from snow country, this is the equivalent of a week long blizzard that takes a week to shovel out from.  No construction work could happen and our excavation turned into a rather ugly swimming pool with sides threatening to collapse.  We are all dried up now.  We are continuing now with remaining excavation.  Paul Fallon and SG&H Engineering firm has provided the updated blueprints and we are back to work.  Please consider helping out with this major construction project.  Whether you can come to Haiti and actually work on the site, or work at home and send money to help buy materials and pay for local labor, your help is critical to the school and auditorium being completed.  Thank you!

The Be Like Brit crew has been hard at work on the orphanage again, now that the rains are past.  Patrick came down with malaria and headed home a little earlier than planned.  He should be back in about 2 weeks.  Ross and PJ have been working with Gama and playing with the kids, of course.

Drex and Jo Stuart handed over the reigns of the new orphanage project to Andrew & Angie Sutton last Sunday, as they headed off to Port-au-Prince.  They’re now back home in Kentucky, after managing to get a lot of work done.  Hopefully the Suttons will be moving onto the new site in about a week and the kids shortly after that.

Travis Knipple, from F1 Engineering also headed home last week.  We’re hoping to see him back in the country in about three weeks or so.  He has been a blessing in the electrical and plumbing realm, of late.

MOHI Board Member, Paul Lacourciere, is now here with his family and some folks from IEEE to kick off the solar “Sunblazer” project.  This is a very exciting project that will put 6 people into business and provide lighting and electricity to an additional 240 families.  Solar panels and batteries will provide electricity for recharging batteries that will go into homes of rural citizens, such as those that attend our school and church in St. Etienne.

We have been anticipating the arrival of Kera Walker, who also arrived last week.  Kera is starting out with a 6-month commitment.  Kera visited us over 3 years ago and has decided to return to serve the Lord here in Haiti.  Her main responsibilities will be overseeing Alexis & A. Jay’s education, as well as providing daily reports on the school project.  There will of course be lots of other things she does, but in everything she will have the opportunity to love the people with the same kind of love with which God loves us.  Please keep Kera in prayer, as she begins this new adventure and adjusts to the Haitian culture and the different pace here.  She’s off to a great start!

Next up? Our annual Conference begins Thursday night.  We are looking forward to the arrival of Pastors Ricardo Volcy, Craig Cook, Dan Lee and Kevin Groder, who will be sharing the Word of God with people traveling from many different areas of Haïti.  Pastor Ricardo will have a group of young people with him, as well.  We look forward to them ministering to children during the morning sessions.  Please do keep this important event in your prayers.

Keep us all in prayer as you have a great week!  God bless you!