
We always look forward to Sundays. We think it should have been named Frienday instead. It’s the day we see all our friends! Everyone comes out for church, youth group and are back to church again in the evening. In between all that, we often have lunch under the “choukoun” (a cross between a pavilion and a tiki hut!) with other missionary friends. Of course, there are usually plenty of kids around, as well.

Some days we have great food-like when a friend shows up with Filet Mignon and cooks it on the Bar-b for us! – and some days we don’t (we had tuna, hotdogs and potato salad today), but we ALWAYS have a great time. Today’s mix included people from London and Manchester, England, Tennessee, Canada and the Dominican Republic. Wow! It was an extra long day, as you can tell by the picture to the left here.

We started building a guest house, about a year ago, after the earthquake and tsunami destroyed our missionary housing facility near the ocean. We now have 2 dorm rooms and 4 rooms for couples, along with the “choukoun” for dining, gathering and celebrations. I am amazed at how much use we’ve gotten out of this facility already, even before it’s completed. To the right is a picture from Rosenie’s wedding under the choukoun. Yesterday a church group from Leogane came out with about a hundred young people and visitors from Canada and the U.S., to enjoy an afternoon at the beach. They had a beautiful time of praise, worship and prayer under the choukoun, too!

We are surrounded by friends. It’s a wonderful thing! Now, we are awaiting YOUR visit to Mission of Hope International, in Grand-Goave, Haiti. Contact us today to start planning your trip!