Oh Happy Week!!!

I’m just bubbling over with Joy today!  I’m so grateful to the Lord for putting so many wonderful people into my life and for making my life such a wonderful adventure.

My family (Lex, Alexis and A. Jay) are just my favorite people in the world – and I get to LIVE with them!!!  (Bob and Sally just had to be in the pictures, too!)


Some of our best friends from Massachusetts, Kevin and Tammy Groder (along with Indy – the dog!) arrived in Grand-Goâve on Thursday.  They have disposed of most of their earthly goods and come to Haiti to serve God and the Haitian people.  Yay!!!  They come with soooooo much to offer!  I’m so excited about what is in store!

Kevin and Tammy Groder and friends at MOHI

Kevin and Tammy Groder and friends at MOHI

We have 4 kittens.  Indy may think they are appetizers?

We have 4 kittens. Indy may think they are appetizers?

Our dear friends from Kids Against Hunger Global (Tulsa) arrived yesterday!  Marshall and Sherry Horn, Dr. Gary and Melissa Lee and their daughter Jillian, along with Brian Gosselin will be spending a week with us at MOHI.  KAH, along with the Hands and Feet Project were very instrumental in helping us to rescue kids from a bad institutional care situation.  Over 80 children were removed from the facility.  Thirty-one of them are now thriving at the Hands and Feet Project here in Grand-Goâve.

These folks sent another container of KAH food to MOHI recently!

These folks sent another container of KAH food to MOHI recently!

Sherry is Kendy's best friend...he's in LOVE!

Sherry is Kendy’s best friend…he’s in LOVE!

Miklène told Brian, "I'm your friend and you're my friend."

Miklène told Brian, “I’m your friend and you’re my friend.”


Dr. Gary Lee was eager to begin unpacking...

Dr. Gary Lee was eager to begin unpacking…

Leah has been a God-send.  She is so passionate about providing the very best health care possible for the poorest of the poor.  She spends most afternoons researching issues she’s found with her patients.  Every day she dresses Fritzon’s open ulcers.  Here’s her update on Fritzon… 

    Last week I wrote about Fritzon, our 24 year old patient with the chronic leg ulcers. We were in the processing of trying to set up surgery for him, on the recommendation of a doctor in Port Au Prince. This week, I worked with an American doctor in the clinic, and consulted with a couple of other American doctors who are familiar with the situation. After talking with them, and running some test results through Google translate we have come to the decision that surgery is not necessary at this time.
For now, we are proceeding with daily dressing changes, and pressure bandages to decrease the swelling in his lower legs. Please be in prayer for Fritzon as we are almost literally pouring salt on open wounds to get rid of the infected tissue. Yes, it is as painful as it sounds. Also, please join with me in prayer for wisdom and discernment with this man, so that he can get the care he needs. Thank you.

This past week, the Hands and Feet Project here in Grand-Goâve, was kind enough to share Dr. Sotiere and his wife, Susan with us.  They and Leah made a great team, with Alexis, A. Jay and Jackie supporting them.

20130823 se clinic2

This morning Marshall ministered in song (He Touched Me was a big hit with folks here!) This is Marshall and Sherry’s third trip to MOHI in Haiti.  We are blessed each time by his anointed voice in song.

Marshall Horn singing "He Touched Me"

Marshall Horn singing “He Touched Me”


Dr. Gary Lee ministered from the Word of God.  He read from the books of Titus and Ephesians, encouraging us all to continue doing good works, but also to expand upon them.  Feeding the hungry, caring for widows, visiting the prisoner…these are all good works that Jesus talks about.  We also are to do everything as though we were doing it directly to honor Christ.  Even employees should do their very best work, whether they like their boss or not – whether they are feeling energetic or not.  Every single thing we do, we should do to bring honor to Him who loved us and gave His life for us.

Pastor Lex translating for Dr. Gary Lee

Pastor Lex translating for Dr. Gary Lee

We’ve given out a bit of clothing this week.  Our teachers have received school supplies and personal items, as well.

Stanley sporting some new clothes...

Stanley sporting some new clothes…

Blessing the teachers...

Blessing the teachers…

Our construction and maintenance crew has been working hard, as usual.  Junior has had his hands full with electrical issues at the missionary compound.  Our generator works great (thanks to The Chapel!) and our inverter works great (thanks to Travis Knipple!), but we’re having issues going from one to the other.  Sonel has been painting shelves and desks.  Our farmers have been cleaning up the fields from the watermelon and okra harvest, preparing for whatever is next.  All the guys have been trimming the grass, fixing benches, etc.


Speaking of benches, we have had a “bench drive” going on at the Thozin church this month.  We’ve always used our school benches for church, but with the new building, the benches will be staying in the classrooms.  Each new bench will cost $50.  We’ve had several people pledge and/or give money toward the benches.  We still need about 30 more.  We’re so blessed that some of the church members have given money towards the benches, but we realize that most of them will not be able to come up with $50.  If you would like to help, please make an online donation and note “benches” in the memo.  Thank you.

Here are some more pictures from this week…

Jackie with a little friend

Jackie with a little friend

Dr. Sotiere and Leah removing Marc's stitches...

Dr. Sotiere and Leah removing Marc’s stitches…

Andrew and Lex at the Hands and Feet Project's Ikondo construction site

Andrew and Lex at the Hands and Feet Project’s Ikondo construction site


Leah and Tammy enjoying a moment with the Lord...

Leah and Tammy enjoying a moment with the Lord…

Estanley at church...

Estanley at church…

It was just a short nap...

It was just a short nap…

Praying in Sunday School...

Praying in Sunday School…

How Amazing is this?!!!

How Amazing is this?!!!