In Our Boston Home

Revs. Paul & Cheryl Minor

Revs. Paul & Cheryl Minor

Lex and I, along with our niece, Edna, are in Massachusetts, staying with our kids and their generous host family, Paul & Cheryl Minor.  They are so patient with us, as we :fly” in and out of their home daily.  They, too, come and go a lot with their responsibilities, so it’s always pleasant when we can find a few minutes to catch up with each other.

We arrived in Boston Monday night and have been running ever since.  We’ve enjoyed many visits with friends and family and are so grateful for each and every one!  This week we will be meeting with some more folks.  Friday and Saturday we will have a table at the MassHOPE Home School Convention in Worcester, MA.  Please come by and say “Hello” if you are there.  Sunday we will be at the Evangelical Church of Fall River, MA with our dear friends, Pastor Carlos & Rita Periera.  If you are from that area, please join us at the 11AM service at 1240 Rodman St.

We would love to connect with as many of you as possible while we are here in New England.  Please contact us here, send us a text message or give us a call at 978.340.8729 any time.  Please don’t wait.  We want to see you!!!

It’s hard to imagine, but the end of the school year is not far away.  We will be holding graduation ceremonies for our high school seniors, as well as kindergarten classes.  As you can see in the photo, the kids are working hard to have all their steps right, as well as practicing poems, skits, songs, and speeches.

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It’s been so wonderful having Jeff and Wilson managing our gardens this year.  We had a plentiful harvest of beans from both Gwo Djak and Thozin this month.  The corn is just about ready, as are the cabbages.  Extra care is going into the banana plants, weeding, adding soil, and watering.  We’re looking forward to an abundant harvest!!!

Separating the beans from the chaff

Separating the beans from the chaff

After two weeks of working with back to back groups, Amy is back to work at the school.  This week she started working with our new English Club for primary grade students.  All the students were present and ready to start early, which is a really good sign!  We provided a new notebook and pencil for each student and started with some library time.  Amy then went over the English alphabet and numbers and had students introducing themselves to each other in English.


Amy also continued working with our preschool teachers and students.  This week they added another semicircle to their rainbows.

Amy continues working with our preschoolers on the rainbow project at the Mission of Hope International School in Thozin.

Rainbow Babies

Thank you so much for your support and prayers.  Please let us know if there is anything specific we can be praying for you, as well.