Good Times

Here at MOHI, things are going great.  We’re pleased to have Cherylann Gengel joining her husband Len here with us in Grand-Goave, once again.  It’s awesome to see and be a part of the progress they are making at Be Like Brit.  The outer wall is just about complete and this week the walls of the actual building are scheduled to start going up.  This picture (to the right) is from the Hands and Feet Project in Jacmel.  We had a great day in Jacmel with Len, Cherylann, Joy & Chris Youell and Lori Paajanen today.  We’re pleased to have Chris & Joy return to us.  They were here last Dec/Jan and were a tremendous help to us.  They are always ready to work.

Last night, we had the pleasure of meeting Travis Knipple’s parents, Terry & Connie.  Travis installed a solar powered electrical system at the school for us and often uses MOHI as his base as he travels throughout the country working with different organizations.

Our schools continue to have high attendance, which in this country is not the norm.  We’ve established principles in the school that encourage the students to stay in school.  The more support we receive the more support we are able to give to our students.  If you don’t yet sponsor a student in our school, please click here to sign up to be a child sponsor today.  For only $25 per month, you can make a difference for one child!

One of the kids now at the Hands and Feet Project here in Grand-Goave who also attends the MOHI church and school, has been diagnosed with lymphoma.  It is throughout his gut and into the lining of his lungs.  There is a hospital in Port-au-Prince that has a children’s oncology department where he may be able to receive treatment.  The folks at HAF are also looking into doctors/hospitals in the US that are interested in helping him.  Please keep this child in your prayers.  We know that our God is able and willing to perfect that which concerns him.  Thank you for praying.

Interesting politics this week in Haiti. Lex returned from Massachusetts on Thursday.  Alexis, A. Jay and I went to Port-au-Prince to the grocery store (really big treat!) and then to the airport to pick him up.  When we got to the airport I noted to the kids that there were an awful lot of men with guns standing around.  There are usually a few policmen, but this was very unusual.  Our driver updated me on the history of one of the congressmen that was recently elected.  This man had been in prison (accused of crimes like kidnapping), had broken out of prison, there was a warrant out for his arrest and then he ran for congress.  HOW does something like this happen???  (This is where the saying “It’s Haiti” comes into play.)  So, the president and prime minister got an arrest warrant and all these armed men were at the airport to arrest him.  The resulting political volcano is spewing right now, since congressmen are supposed to have diplomatic immunity and therefore should not be getting arrested at the airport upon their return from France.