Today being Father’s Day, I think about my childhood growing up with a Haitian Pastor as a father. All children grow up with something memorable that their parents taught them. Mine is being aware and observing my surroundings. As young girl during car rides my Dad always told me to be aware of where I am. He would sometimes quiz me to make sure I knew where I was and what was happening. This is a skill that I am very grateful for. Now wherever I am, I subconsciously observe my surroundings and make sure I know where I am.
Proverbs 4:1–4 it says Hear, O sons, a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight, for I give you good precepts; do not forsake my teaching. When I was a son with my father, tender, the only one in the sight of my mother, he taught me and said to me,“Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments, and live.
What is something that your parents taught you that you will never forget?

Proverbs 4:1, Hear, O sons, a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight………..
This week at MOHI….
School is out! Our students just finished their finals this week. Our senior and Kindergarten classes graduate on Thursday and Friday at our two campuses. This is our fifth graduating senior class. It feels like just yesterday that we graduated our first senior class.
We said goodbye to the team from the Atlantic Evangelical Free Church yesterday. They were an awesome first group to host! They spent the week doing village ministry, giving out clothes at the St Etienne campus, they framed maps (thank you for the donation Bless Back Worldwide!) for our classrooms, and they helped build some new student desks!
Growing up in a very poor community, I tend to forget how unusual it can be for foreigners. It was interesting to see the group’s reaction while doing village ministry. It was a very emotional experience for them. Though it was a bit hard, they very much enjoyed meeting and praying with the people. It was nice to hear Chad and David talk about how they hadn’t done carpentry in years. They enjoyed being able to work with wood again. It was extra special for Chad, who came with his daughter Tiffany, and Ron, who came down with his son Turner, to see their children’s growth throughout the week. I enjoyed seeing Kyle and Danielle Bartholic again! They did such an amazing job as team leaders!
I’ve enjoyed getting to know Dr Lavaud and Nurse Ruth! The care and time that they take to consult the patients is awesome! I’m so glad that they are here.
Yes, a missionary’s life is very boring 😉
Here is a picture of Kendy. He always makes people smile 🙂
Well thats all folks!
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