This week we welcomed Angie Shepherd back to MOHI. Angie is a PA from Charlotte and this is her third time staying with us. She comes to us from Bless Back Worldwide and will be working with Dr. Lavaud and a new doctor this week.
We are also hosting teams from Mission E4 and White Stone Church this week. We know how hard visitors and missionaries work during the day. We do our best to provide a relaxing atmosphere at the end of the day so they can be recharged to continue their work the next day.
Summers tend to be maintenance season. Each year classrooms need to be repainted along with touch ups throughout the campus.
This year, thanks to a generous donation from Bless Back Worldwide, we will be spending most of the summer making new student desks. When I talk with our students about our school, the one consistent complaint is that they don’t have enough room on the school bench. Sometimes fights even break out about who is going to get more room on the bench. It was in response to this that we made known our need for new desks. Our students will be thrilled when they come back to school in September!
We have had a really big maintenance issue since returning to Haiti. The main generators in Thozin and at the missionary compound were down. With lots of off-site assistance from Fred at Mission USA, we were able to get the generator in Thozin up and running again. The one at the missionary compound, however, has been much more problematical. We haven’t been able to locate the wire required to wind the coil in order to get things going again. We’re looking for a solution. Prayers are appreciated.
We seemed to be missing a lot of people at church this morning. It did provide room for the extra internationals that visited, though. We had a guest preacher from the island of La Gonâve ministering to us. The church seemed to respond well to the message. I had trouble following it, as he threw a lot of French in with the Creole. I do know he was talking about the return of Jesus Christ and being ready. I’m in full agreement with that!
After church we had a full house at the missionary compound. It was quite the international group. Our friend Ed Locket, who works one town away, but whom we hardly ever get to see, joined us today, too. We enjoyed French fries, fried plantains, hot dogs, macaroni salad and piklis – it’s like really spicy coleslaw with key lime juice in place of the mayonnaise. YUM! But more than the food, it was really nice to catch up with so many expats with the same hearts desire for the people of Haiti.

Ed Locket shared this picture with us. In it are people from Brazil, Maine, North Carolina, Georgia, Spain, Massachusetts and Haiti.
Summer is proving to be a pretty special family time for us. I love having Alexis home with us. I am totally appreciating my last couple of months with AJay before he heads off to Massachusetts for his last two years of high school. Nathan and Nyah (along with their parents) have moved into their Haiti home and we’ve all been enjoying special moments with them.
I am really excited to be a part of the Christian music festival called Soulfest this year. We will be at Gunstock Mountain Resort in Guilford, NH August 6-8. Ross Dobson and his great staff at Sir Isaac advertising agency have been coming up with some cool ideas for us. Come on out and see us!