The Moment We Have Been Waiting For…
It’s been a very long wait – about a year and a half or so. There were many hoops to jump through and many delays. FINALLY, thanks to many of you, our partnership with White Stone Church (Knoxville, TN) and MEGA-patience from all of us…
The land lot next to the school in Thozin has been purchased and ownership has been transferred to the Mission!
What’s next? The plot plan…getting the big picture from an architectural perspective…and beginning excavating for the necessary drainage for the property. The longterm plan involves a sports/tutoring/discipleship program for students in the area and vocational training for our high students.
As the details come into focus, I will be sure to update you on what the needs are. Obviously it will take a considerable amount of money to secure the land with a wall, excavate for drainage and a soccer field, and build the necessary structures. Maybe you’d like to help out by doing some fundraisers for us? We’re also going to be looking for teams to come down and assist with these projects. You might want to consider putting a team together to come work with us on it. Right now, I’m asking for prayer that we would have godly wisdom in working together with our partners to formulate an awesome plan. Would you pray with us? Thank you!!!
Paillant Outreach
What a blessing to be able to reach out to the Paillant community in the mountains overlooking Miragoane. This area is special to Dr. Emmanuel, as this is where he grew up and where his family still lives. The mayor has been so gracious to us, always making sure the MOHI team has something to eat for lunch and water to drink. He stays with us to ensure everything is done in an orderly way.
This time, our missionary friend, Ed Locket, and a visiting team from the States stopped by to work with us for a little bit. Ed’s quite the photographer (as are some of the youth that he’s taught), so I thought I’d show you one of the pictures he shared with us, too.
For those of you who didn’t see my avocado picture earlier in the week, I’ll share that one, too. Dr. Emmanuel’s father actually gave us a few avocado’s from his trees in Paillant. We have avocados at the missionary compound, but it would take three or four of them to give you the fruit from just ONE of these! And they were sooooo yummy!

Paillant is beautiful! It has an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, so of course we had to support the local economy!
Little Star
I was so blessed to see Amy act on some advice I gave her last week. She wrote down some words for a song that she could use with her next preschool project – stars. She brought it to Maestro Odenet, who (as I so knew he would!) jumped right on it and had music to go with it the next day. Unfortunately, I don’t have a video to share with you, but it’s a very catchy tune. Thus, I have been humming it all day long today. Great job, Amy and Maestro Odenet!!!
For Where Your Treasure Is…
I have been contemplating Luke 12:34 quite a bit this week.
We have some incredible people who really invest in this mission. They invest their earthly treasures: time and money. They invest their heavenly treasure, too – the time they spend communing with Jesus. They talk to Him about this mission. And they listen to what He has to say about it, too.
We have faced so many challenges over the years. We decided many years ago that we are not interested in being in Haïti on our own, doing our own thing. We love this country and her people, but it’s way too much for us to handle. We knew we only wanted to be here if the Lord was with us and guiding us. Whenever challenges (sometimes heart-wrenching, emotionally traumatizing challenges!) have come our way, we have stood on that commitment. If the Lord is here with us and wants us to continue, He will resolve the issue. If not, we don’t want to be here on our own anyway! We know that these incredible people who have invested so much in this mission are interceding on our behalf. Whether it’s a financial situation, local politics, deception, or withstanding being lied about, there’s always a solution. Often time that solution comes through their treasures – their time, money and prayers.
I want to encourage you to get involved. Now, I’d prefer that you get involved with MOHI, but it’s really best that you get involved where the Lord leads you. When I say “involved,” I’m not referring to talking. I’m referring to putting your treasure there – knowing that your heart will follow.
A Sad Moment
Many of you have met Dieury and Dieunison, the two orphan boys who live in the little village we built together with our partners. Their grandmother, who was not able to care for them, passed last week. Obviously it was a difficult moment for the boys. Marie Ange worked so hard to get them dressed well and cleaned up for the funeral. For a family that is already so fractured and impoverished, dealing with the expenses of a funeral is an extreme hardship. If you would like to help out, please make a donation – even a small one. “Many hands make light work.” We would love to remove some of the debt burden from this family. Thank you.
A Couple More Pictures
There are couple of other pictures I would like to share with you. This first one is of Pastor Edon while Pastor Lex was preaching this morning. It caused me to giggle to see him reading from the Haitian Creole Bible on his telephone. How much things have changed. When we first arrived in Grand-Goâve there were no cell phones in the area. We used to go wait for phone calls at the local, State-run telephone company. Now, everyone has a cell phone, or someone close to them that has one. Now, Pastor Edon can even use his smartphone to help him do his work, as well as studying his Bible.
Many of you remember Marie Yves. She worked for us for several years, hosting groups – She is featured in the video on our website home page. She got married and moved to another town almost three years ago. Today she and her beautiful baby girl, Tabitha, came for a visit. They joined us for church in Thozin and lunch at the missionary compound. It was a special time for everyone.