One reason I enjoy posting on this blog is that it makes me stop and think about what’s going on around me, at least once a week. I am so thankful for all that is being done here at MOHI and the amazing people the Lord brings into our lives here.
This week has been cool (upper 70’s low 80’s) and we’ve had quite a bit of rain. Normally, this is good for the gardens, but this week the beans were ready to be harvested and every night of rain put the beans in danger of rotting before being harvested. Friday was the big day of harvesting in time for the Saturday market day. Some of the beans were sold, some were given away, and some were eaten by missionaries and staff. YUM!!! Most of the income from the beans will go back into the garden again. The garden is providing work for a couple dozen people which means over one hundred people are eating now because of the garden. It certainly makes sense to work the land when it’s available.
Lex and I are so grateful for the hundreds of people who have responded to our prayer requests for Maestro Odenet. He is still being hospitalized in Port-au-Prince, but he’s finally been moved out of the ER and into a regular room. His blood count is very low. I’m not sure if they were waiting to see if he would rebound on his own or not, but finally this morning he received the order for a blood transfusion. We all covet your prayers at this time. We also appreciate any donations to help cover the cost of his hospitalization. If you would like to donate online to help him, please specify “Maestro”in the note section and we will be sure to put those funds toward his hospital bill.
Our dogs all “decided” to get dye jobs this week. We use dirty motor oil to keep our gates working smoothly. Apparently our grounds keepers overdid it a little and the dogs got into it. For those of you who know Sam, I thought you might get a kick out of his new look.
Amy went all out this week with ORANGE as she began her rainbow project with our preschool and kindergarten classes. One of the things I love to see is when we involve the teachers and/or older students in the preparation of these projects. That’s what brings sustainability to everything we do. We are busy working ourselves out of a job. So, this week Amy had some helpers making the orange part of the rainbow. Each week Amy plans to explore different art concepts with her helpers, while making rainbows with the younger students and teaching about God’s promises and the significance of the rainbow.
The choukoun roof was completed this week. Today it was used to gather friends from the US and Haiti to celebrate the baptisms of three young people from the church in Thozin.
Since we do baptisms right in front of where I live, it was extra fun to have friends visiting today. I was especially pleased to welcome some younger friends (missionary children) upstairs to play with the kittens and eat the brownies I baked for them. I also got to meet (and HOLD!!!) Lily Joy Sutton, who is just over a week old now. She’s such a sweet little nugget!

We may have been having a little discussion about whether the blue frogs were the boys, or the red ones. That just happened to be when the clearest picture was taken. ;/
Thank you so much for checking in with us this week. Please contact us with any prayer needs you may have so that we can agree with you in prayer.