God has been so good to me. These verses from Philippians 4:11b-13 speak so strongly to my heart:
After spending the majority of the past 15 years in Haiti, I am very comfortable there, but at the same time I truly am an American and love so much about my country. I remember the early days when we would return to the States while being pretty terrified of what might be happening at the mission in Haiti. Now we can leave with confidence, knowing that we have an amazing staff who have taken “ownership” of the mission. The Edmé family may have started it, but they know it’s theirs. The other nice thing is that there are now cell phones and internet service in Haiti, so we are able to get regular updates from our staff. Here are some of the updates we’ve received that you might enjoy seeing…
I love getting the pictures from church and seeing who was there and sometimes noticing who wasn’t there in their usual spot.
The medical clinic in Thozin has been doing functioning as expected. Hundreds are helped each week in Thozin and also in the mobile clinic in St. Etienne.

Maitre Milot leads a time of prayer and singing with the patients at the mobile clinic in St Etienne
Remember all the peanut butter our friendly fire fighters from Central Massachusetts gathered for us? It arrived at the mission in Haiti this week! Yay!!! We use the peanut butter to supplement our regular feedings with our preschool classes, as well as for those suffering from malnutrition that come into our clinics. Hats off and a hearty thank you once again to our fire fighters and to Charles & Cheryl Finn for coordinating this blessed event! THANK YOU!!!
What a blessing to receive fruit trees from Food for the Poor. It will take a few years, but these trees will be a great source of nutrition for decades to come.
School continues to go well for our students in St. Etienne and Thozin. They are entering into the final grading period for the year now. In a couple more months we will be graduating our 5th senior class.
So, today I am thanking the Lord for an incredible staff in Haiti and wonderful supporters and friends here in America!